It's by design to move away from "blob and add" to managing the empire. Under the icon is a number which shows the Authority of the current reigning Emperor.Within the interface are a number of shields of various sizes representing members of the HRE. You don't have to be the Emperor to add provinces any prince of the Empire can do it, and even non-members if they are small enough and the Emperor likes them. Once you form the HRE with the final decision (Renovatio Imperii), you lose all the bonuses from previously enacted reforms, but gain the bonus 'Rome Reborn.' I've done it twice: once when playing as Italy, so I could get Austria to pass the Ewiger Landfriede reform, then swoop in and bribe all the electors to become Emperor before the Proclaim Erbkaisertum reform was passed. I'm not seeing it at all, it should be next to the return province and make client state buttons right? Adds base manpower to the current province scope. Besides there is no marcrobuilder key for adding provinces to the HRE (try adding all of a big annexed Hungary to the HRE) Also there is no option to automaticially increase relations with electors. I am doing my first Austria run in awhile. But thereâs no way to get 1 IA at negative IA gain lmao. If you use that to enforce religion on 9 princes, that is a way to fix this. As Austria i inherited Burgundy and Bohemia, pu'ed Poland and Hungary, won the religious war. The HRE is bigger than ever, due to my size. If you own the province, there's a button with a + on it on the left side of the province window click on that and it will give you the option to add the province to the HRE. It's going extremely slow let me tell you, and not passing much reforms and the campaign will be over in half a decade for me. This in turn allows you to pass reforms if you ever become the Emperor of the HRE further down the line. You can add provinces that you've conqured.

Not changing this signature until tomorrow. Vassalize electors, get elected empereor, then add your own provinces to the HRE. Well, there are rare occasions when you may actually add provinces if you want a strong emperor. Furthermore, it seems that the emperor automatically adds eligible provinces to the HRE, while princes have the ability to add ALL eligible provinces to the HRE (not 1 by 1 as on current patch, ALL or NOTHING). Here is a general format of a country: Upon doing that, the country becomes Holy Roman Empirebut keeps the same ideas, religion, culture, government and capital. The Emperor is able to take Imperial provinces held by a non-member through the Imperial Ban Casus Belli at a 10% Infamy cost once the first Imperial reform, Reichsreform, is taken. How to add provinces to hre The amount of prosperity to add or subtract.